Hola a tod@s.
Hay una lista de reproducción de todos los videos
Este motor de escobillas, podemos
conectarlo directamente siguiendo unos pasos.
Primero dependiendo de los cables que
tenga, realizaremos la comprobación uno a uno, identificando cada uno de los
Necesitaremos un polímetro, o
comprobador de continuidad para ello.
Enumeraremos los terminales 1,2,3,4,5,6,…
(en mi caso 6)
1.- Comprobaremos estado, si
visualmente tiene algún deterioro que haga desecharlo, golpes, rodamientos mal,
2.- Con el comprobador en ohmios,
iremos uno a uno chequeando con una punta al chasis, y la otra punteando uno a
uno los terminales. Si en alguno “pita”, es señal de una derivación, tendremos
que comprobar si se puede reparar o desechar….
3.- Haremos una tabla, de todas las
parejas. Empezando por el 1,
chequearemos todos las posibles emparejamientos, con el, 2, el 3,… Luego el 2
con el 3, 4y así hasta la última
4.- Cada vez que nos dé continuidad,
anotaremos el resultado. Muy importante, si da continuidad y no marca ningún valor en ohmios,
es que está conectado o unificado, Por lo que no podremos meter
luego fase y neutro entre estos dos terminales, pues se haría un cortocircuito.
5.- Una vez comprobadas las parejas.
Miraremos que es cada una de ellas. Con una punta en el número, (por ejemplo el
1) llevamos la otra puntera a las conexiones de las escobillas, las bobinas, el
protector térmico, el tacómetro,… en cuanto sepamos que es cada pareja
6.- Generalmente podemos
encontrarnos, las escobillas, las bobinas unificadas o individualmente, el
tacómetro, el protector térmico,…
7.- Para la conexión, necesitaremos primero:
Protección, la alimentación protegida
tanto térmica como diferencialmente.
Conexión siempre del cable tierra
Herramientas para electricidad,
forrados los mangos, terminales protegidos para evitar cortocircuitos, … etc
Estar convencidos de lo que vamos a
realizar, ante cualquier duda desistir. La electricidad no es un juego.
8.- En este motor se conecta en serie
todos los elementos, es decir:
** El tacómetro puesto que va a ser
el que regule y mande la información a la placa, no lo conectaremos.
** El tierra al chasis (siempre)
Conexión de la fase y el neutro:
Un cable va a un entrada de la
bobina, ( si estuvieran las dos bobinas independientes, de la salida de la primera
si fuese así puentearemos a la segunda), de la salida puentearemos a la
escobilla, (en mi caso el protector está ya en serie con las escobillas, sino habría
que puentear también), de la salida de las escobillas conectaremos al otro cable.
9.- Revisaremos de nuevo todo, ante
un fallo…
Es un motor con muchas revoluciones,
por lo que deberemos fijarlo bien a una mesa para evitar que gire al arrancar y
se produzca un accidente.
Y una vez que este todo Ok
conectaremos y suerte en ello.
Hacer simplemente una conexión rápida,
por si falla algo,…
10. –Para hacer el cambio de giro,
cambiaremos simplemente la entrada de la escobilla (principio por final) y el
cable del final al principio anterior.
Espero sirva de ayuda, y con el video
subido ampliamos la información.
*** Estos son experimentos
particulares, caseros, cada uno se hará responsable de su motor, sus acciones,
de sus resultados. Cada fabricante, cada motor puede variar, .. si alguno no
corresponde con esta forma de hacerlo, que desista e intente buscar la
A mí personalmente me gusta
investigar, ver “el interior de las cosas” el comprender por qué,… La teórica
es una cosa, la práctica otra,.. las dos se complementan.
A los que nos gusta estar enredando siempre, a mi modo de ver las cosas, el llegar, conectar, y a funcionar,… sin
entender el porqué, deja un poco en el
aire la incógnita.
Muchas gracias, espero les sirva.
Saludos, Ángel
everyone s.
This brushless motor, can connect directly following a few steps.
First wires depending on need, we will checking one by one, identifying each of the terminals.
We will need a multimeter or continuity tester for it.
List the terminals 1,2,3,4,5,6, ... (in my case 6)
1. - Will check state if you have a visual impairment that makes disposal, bumps, bad bearings, burned, ...
Two. - With the tester on ohms, go one to one by checking with a tip to the chassis, and the other one by one by tapping terminals. If any "hard", it indicates a derivation, we have to check if it can be repaired or discarded ....
Three. - We will make a table of all couples. Starting with 1, we will check all the possible pairings, with, 2, 3, ... Then 2 to 3, 4and so on until the last
April. - Every time we give continuity, write down the result. Very important, if it provides a vital check no value in ohms, is connected or unified, so you can not get then and neutral between these two terminals, as would a short circuit.
May. - After checking the couples. It will look at each. With a spike in the number (eg 1) took the other connections leading to the brushes, coils, heat shield, tachometer, ... as we know it's every couple we scored.
June. - We can usually find the brushes, unified or individual coils, tachometer, thermal protector, ...
July. - For connection, we need first:
Protection, thermal and power differentially protected.
Earth connection cable provided
Tools for electricity, lined handles, terminals protected to prevent short circuits, ... etc.
Being convinced of what we will do, any doubt desist. Electricity is not a game.
August. - This motor is connected in series all the elements, ie:
** The tachometer as it will be the governing and send the information to the board, do not connect.
** The chassis ground (always)
Connecting the phase and neutral:
A cable is input to a coil (if they were the two independent coils of the first output if so puentearemos the second) of the brush puentearemos output, (in my case the shield is already series with the brushes, but it should be bridged as well), from the exit of the blades connect to another cable.
9. - We will review all over again, to a fault ...
Is an engine with many revolutions, so we firmly secure a table to keep it from turning when starting and causing an accident.
And once this all Ok connect and luck in it.
It just a fast connection, for if something goes wrong, ...
10. -To make the change of rotation, simply change the wiper input (end principle) and the cable end to the foregoing principle.
I hope helps, and the uploaded video we learn more.
Experiments *** These are individuals, home, each will be responsible for your engine, their actions, their results. Each manufacturer, each engine can vary .. if one does not match this way of doing, to desist and try to find a solution ..
I personally would like to investigate, see "things inside" to understand why ... The theory is one thing, practice another, .. the two are complementary.
To those who always like to be entangled, to my way of seeing things, the reach, connect, and run, ... without understanding why, leave a little mystery in the air.
Thank you very much, I hope they serve.
Regards, Angel
This brushless motor, can connect directly following a few steps.
First wires depending on need, we will checking one by one, identifying each of the terminals.
We will need a multimeter or continuity tester for it.
List the terminals 1,2,3,4,5,6, ... (in my case 6)
1. - Will check state if you have a visual impairment that makes disposal, bumps, bad bearings, burned, ...
Two. - With the tester on ohms, go one to one by checking with a tip to the chassis, and the other one by one by tapping terminals. If any "hard", it indicates a derivation, we have to check if it can be repaired or discarded ....
Three. - We will make a table of all couples. Starting with 1, we will check all the possible pairings, with, 2, 3, ... Then 2 to 3, 4and so on until the last
April. - Every time we give continuity, write down the result. Very important, if it provides a vital check no value in ohms, is connected or unified, so you can not get then and neutral between these two terminals, as would a short circuit.
May. - After checking the couples. It will look at each. With a spike in the number (eg 1) took the other connections leading to the brushes, coils, heat shield, tachometer, ... as we know it's every couple we scored.
June. - We can usually find the brushes, unified or individual coils, tachometer, thermal protector, ...
July. - For connection, we need first:
Protection, thermal and power differentially protected.
Earth connection cable provided
Tools for electricity, lined handles, terminals protected to prevent short circuits, ... etc.
Being convinced of what we will do, any doubt desist. Electricity is not a game.
August. - This motor is connected in series all the elements, ie:
** The tachometer as it will be the governing and send the information to the board, do not connect.
** The chassis ground (always)
Connecting the phase and neutral:
A cable is input to a coil (if they were the two independent coils of the first output if so puentearemos the second) of the brush puentearemos output, (in my case the shield is already series with the brushes, but it should be bridged as well), from the exit of the blades connect to another cable.
9. - We will review all over again, to a fault ...
Is an engine with many revolutions, so we firmly secure a table to keep it from turning when starting and causing an accident.
And once this all Ok connect and luck in it.
It just a fast connection, for if something goes wrong, ...
10. -To make the change of rotation, simply change the wiper input (end principle) and the cable end to the foregoing principle.
I hope helps, and the uploaded video we learn more.
Experiments *** These are individuals, home, each will be responsible for your engine, their actions, their results. Each manufacturer, each engine can vary .. if one does not match this way of doing, to desist and try to find a solution ..
I personally would like to investigate, see "things inside" to understand why ... The theory is one thing, practice another, .. the two are complementary.
To those who always like to be entangled, to my way of seeing things, the reach, connect, and run, ... without understanding why, leave a little mystery in the air.
Thank you very much, I hope they serve.
Regards, Angel